Rising Up Through The Ashes

By Tom Holdman

The most effective way that God speaks to me and teaches me is through images. I have always been a very visual person with the world around me. I’d like to share a cherished experience I had recently while soaking in my bathtub, of all places.

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Earlier this year, I shared on social media about the window in my bathroom that I was experimenting with to create various light refractions in different colors.

Over the years, I sometimes would take the window apart and add or subtract colors, crystals, and steep angled prisms to split the white light with colors. The effects of this eastern bathroom window have been wonderful to look at, especially when taking a relaxing bath.

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Just a short time ago, I was sitting in my tub and pondering the things that are happening on the earth right now with the worldwide pandemic. I had been fasting and praying as I worried about those close to me, especially my employees and my own family. Every day the news seems to be getting worse about the effects of this virus. Not just the risk of getting sick and possibly losing loved ones; but also the effects of people’s livelihoods, businesses, and travel, filling many of us with fear and uncertainty.

As I pondered these things while seeking a connection with my Creator, I felt His answer: “Everything will be okay. It is all going to work out,” were the words that poured into my heart. Then, as I opened my eyes, I saw on the wall a distinct and awe-inspiring reflection. It appeared to me to be a phoenix rising from the ashes with its wings spread wide.


As the wispy clouds moved over the sun, the image would flicker then reappear, almost as if the wings were moving.  Into my heart and soul poured a piercing confirmation that everything will truly be okay.  I felt I was told, “I will make sure that you and your loved ones will be okay. Be at peace.”


Then it looked like the phoenix moved upwards and flew off into the sky, dissipating and giving strength into the world around it.

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Knowing that a phoenix is an emblem of rebirth and hope, and that it symbolizes a renewal or restoring after suffering or calamity, I knew this was a significant message for me and for each of us.


We are all part of humanity and are connected to each other. This, as horrific as it is, has pulled us together. It is my hope that every individual can feel this hope, renewal, unity, and peace. We will rise above this stronger, just like the phoenix. It will all be okay.

Tom Holdman